extrasensory perception - tradução para alemão
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extrasensory perception - tradução para alemão

Extrasensory Perception; Psi ability; Extra Sensory Perception; Second sight; Extra-Sensory Perception; Extra sensory perception; Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP); Extra-sensory; Extrasensory; Extra-sensory perception; ESPer
  • [[Zener cards]] were first used in the 1930s for experimental research into ESP.
  • J. B. Rhine]]
  • ''The Vision'', by [[Evelyn De Morgan]] (1914)

extrasensory perception         
außersinnliche Wahrnehmung
extra-sensory perception         
außersinnliche Wahrnehmung
sense of sight         
  • [[Leonardo da Vinci]]: The eye has a central line and everything that reaches the eye through this central line can be seen distinctly.
  • 25px
  • The visual [[dorsal stream]] (green) and [[ventral stream]] (purple) are shown. Much of the human [[cerebral cortex]] is involved in vision.
  • Yarbus]], 1967)
Eyesight; Eye sight; Vision (physiology); Vision (sense); Visual Perception; Sense of sight; Theory of vision; Intromission theory; Biological vision; Human visual perception; Human visual recognition; Ophthalmoception; Human vision; Sight (sense); Animal vision; Sight; Human eyesight; Visual cognition; Image perception; Perception of images; Artificial visual perception; Theories of vision; Intromissionism; Seeing (sense); Visual processing in the brain
Sehsinn, sehen können (einer der fünf Sinne)


extra-sensory perception
also extrasensory perception
Extra-sensory perception means knowing without using your ordinary senses such as sight and hearing. Some people believe this is possible. The abbreviation ESP
is also used.


Extrasensory perception

Extrasensory perception or ESP, also called sixth sense, is a claimed paranormal ability pertaining to reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses, but sensed with the mind. The term was adopted by Duke University psychologist J. B. Rhine to denote psychic abilities such as intuition, telepathy, psychometry, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, empathy and their trans-temporal operation as precognition or retrocognition.

Second sight is a form of extrasensory perception, whereby a person perceives information, in the form of a vision, about future events before they happen (precognition), or about things or events at remote locations (remote viewing). There is no evidence that second sight exists. Reports of second sight are known only from anecdotes. Second sight and ESP are classified as pseudosciences.

Exemplos do corpo de texto para extrasensory perception
1. Nearly half, 48 percent, believe in extrasensory perception, or ESP.
2. His interest in extrasensory perception was such that he had a Senate staffer assigned to the subject.
3. Only the secret services can save Putin and Russia from all of these dangers because they are the only ones who possess extrasensory perception, which will allow them to penetrate into the inner minds of all of Russia‘s adversaries.
4. He told an interviewer later that the "Simone" issue "had not been helpful in the campaign." At the time of his retirement in 1''5, Time magazine dubbed him "Senator Oddball," rehashing a 1'87 incident when, fearing an extrasensory perception gap with the Soviets, he invited carnival–level spoon bender Uri Geller to Washington to demonstrate his skills.